Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our first u/s

Is scheduled WOOHOO!!! I'm so stinking excited because when I initially called to make the appt. I was told I probably wouldn't be able to see our RE since they rotated days. Sure enough he wasn't on the day I needed it and I don't care for the one that was. I talked to our Nurse and she contacted our RE who said he would be more than happy to do it for us. He is fitting us in on schedule which I'm so thankful for :).

We go in on April 30th at 10:45 the day can't come soon enough! We are soooo excited yet so nervous. We just want everything to be perfect with the baby or babies! Hopefully we will also get to hear a nice strong heartbeat (or two) also that would be the icing on the cake for sure!

Belly Shots

It still seems surreal to talk about a baby but I'm loving every minute. I have always wanted to be able to wear the cute maternity clothes (which I think is going to happen sooner rather than later) and have the big belly (which is happening way sooner than expected) so I couldn't wait to start with the belly shots. I thinks it's neat to watch the progress and I can't really tell a difference from week-to-week quite yet. I feel huge and hoping a lot of it is because I'm still on a lot of meds (Endometrin and Estrace 2x a day) which they say a side effect is bloating. Just at awkward stage and feel more fat than preggo :).

First picture at 5w3d

And today at 6w6d - looking and feeling like 6 months LOL

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Results are in

After three years of TTC and one hell of a roller coaster ride I am very happy to say that part is now over!!! Yesterday's BETA was POSITIVE :) :) it was so amazing it was FINALLY a BFP!!! Now we get to start a new chapter in our lives and we beyond excited God has given us our miracle.

The BETA was 832 and by this point they like to see it at least to 100 so it's a nice strong number. Repeat BETA is tomorrow to check to make sure the number doubles. Fingers and everything crossed it's doubled or tripled it will make us feel a lot better. Hopefully I'll find out soon when the first u/s will be and how often I'll have to have the numbers repeated. If my calculations are correct my EDD is 16 December. Just in time for a Christmas baby and an early bday gift for DH!

After finding out the news I knew I had to get home right away to DH. I rushed to Target to get a Father-to-be card and HPT's. After waiting so long even though I knew the results I had to see that magical word! Thankfully he was golfing so I was able to test and get his card ready for when he got home. As soon as he walked in he saw it right away and knew what it was (I do cards for everything he was expecting it). I always pictured how I'd tell him and his reaction but it was so much more than I could have ever imagined. All we could was hug and cry and thank God.

Everyone's support has been amazing we could have never made it this far without it, for that we thank you :). Now onto the BEST picture I have EVER seen (note the Skins blanket HAHA).

*UPDATE: Repeat BETA was 1,981 so it more than doubled YAY!! They are happy with the numbers and don't feel there will be a need for more. I still have to stay on the meds for probably until 10 weeks. With the high numbers there is a possibility of twins especially since we did put two back and we are perfect with that idea :). We can't wait to find out.

And then there were two!

Out of the 11 fertilized embies we had two that made it to day 5 (blast stage). Transfer was 30 March and we transferred both :). We are very excited to have gotten to this point this is the farthest we have made it. There is also another embie that is still going strong they hope it makes it to the freezing stage.

Here are two little embies so far!

BETA is scheduled for 13 April - just a day shy of Easter!